How to receive the $ 7,000 comfort? Sernac clarifies doubts


After three years, this Tuesday begins the process for the payment of 7 thousand pesos of unprecedented compensation for the collusion of paper comfort . A measure that will benefit from August 1 to approximately 15 and a half million people over 18 (completed May 31, 2018) and a valid identity card.

The National Director of Sernac Lucas del Villar, notes on Tele13 Tarde that it is "a clear signal to the market that companies that commit serious offenses must compensate consumers who are affected, and therefore we claim the right of consumers to a fair and transparent market ".

The process for receiving payment consists of two parties where those who have an account at the State Bank or are part of the Social Security Institute (IPS), will automatically receive the money. However, about 3 million consumers will have to register on the www.micompensació website from today

What if anyone? was one 18 years old yesterday? Will you receive the 7 thousand pesos?

The director of Sernac explains that "the closing of the payroll of the over-18s is until May 31 which is the day of completion that, remember there was a dispute before the courts to issue this compensation and this was closed on May 31 and that is the payroll with which Sernac is working to compensate consumers. "

What about foreigners and people who died during this three-year period?

Lucas del Villar states that "people who have a circuit in Chile and have a valid identity card have entitled to compensation, if they are over 18 years of age until May 31, independent who are foreigners, Chileans, who lived in Chile or who are outside the country. "

" The important thing is that all consumers are entitled to compensation in a family that there are 3-4 adults We are talking about 21-28 thousand pesos, c & # 39; 39, is a considerable amount, but those who do not receive automatic payment must make this record and have 90 days " adds it.

When all Chilean and Chilean beneficiaries should see their compensations paid?

"As of August 1st, all automatic payments begin to be paid until the 16th of the same month. On August 6th the money will be available both in the current accounts and in the neighboring boxes for the first 500,000 registered, then these are the ones who register in this web page and therefore the payments automatic, from August 6th. Then the Sernac will make weekly closures for the effects of pbading the payroll to be transferred, that is to say, week after week, transfers will be made, either to current accounts of Banco Estado or to neighboring banks so that people withdraw their money, "he says.

In other words, in March the payments should be ready?

The director of Sernac points out that" it depends on the people. " If people are diligent and that there is a large volume to record, clearly the Most of the process will close later. " " If you leave for the last minute, remember that since the closure of September 30th, there are 6 months of withdrawal of the neighboring species, thinking mainly of the most vulnerable people who are the most remote places and they have difficulty to access a neighboring box, so we gave the period of 6 months for close, then we will determine the remnants of these two groups, people who have not registered or who have not withdrawn This gives good news to the most vulnerable people of the country, in order to receive compensation with all what's left, "he explains.

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