Piñera supports a project to punish students who participate in the destruction | National


President Sebastián Piñera was in favor of legislating with the aim of sanctioning students who carry out destructions in educational institutions as part of the proceeds.

With this position, he declared supporting the fund of the bill presented by the deputies of the UDI Javier Macaya and Osvaldo Urrutia, who intend to amend the law 21,091 on higher education to devote as the reason for the loss of the state's author of the destruction and other property offenses and educational materials of educational institutions taken. "

With the aforementioned amendment, the initiative of the union legislators seeks that those who cause this destruction can not enjoy the benefits of free education in higher education

The president announced for this week a complementary initiative without specifying the sanction for which he bowed. "We absolutely share the context of the project, so this week, in the law that fight against antisocial behavior, will be established as one of them, deserving severe punishment, the destruction of their own educational institution. This will not continue with impunity as today. "


The Minister of Education, Gerardo Varela, put cushions cold and reinforced the idea of ​​integration. "I believe rather in dialogue with these young people, in search of the way they are integrated into the educational communities, that they participate by bringing in ideas and that if they want to go to higher education, they enjoy the same benefits as others. "

  President Sebastian Piñera gives a press release
Sebastián Beltrán | Agencia UN
https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cuna-gratuidad-varela. mp3


MP Javier Macaya, who is also head of the UDI bench, noted that similar legislation had already been pbaded in the past, for example, regarding loss of profits when taking land in La Araucanía Communist deputy Karol Cariola said that the free "is a right and not a price". "It is a reactive measure that does not correspond to giving more money. tools to young people (…) it will fail without doubt, "he warned.


UDI deputies intend to register the bill in the Chamber of Deputies today

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