El Urbano Rural – Early Warning Warning for O & # 39; Higgins by Rain Front


Intendant Juan Manuel Masferrer reported that "we have already done coordination with all services, where we have monitored the status of river flows, roads and bridges," he said. said.

Thursday and early Friday, is the forecast of the Directorate of Meteorology of Chile for O. Higgins, by the arrival of a frontal system to the region since this Wednesday. Faced with this and due to the increased risk badociated with it, early warning for the region was declared

Intendant Juan Manuel Masferrer informed that the alert statement "means that all the operational services are present, where we have already coordinated with the different municipalities and all the competent bodies before an event like the one that is approaching." In the same way, through the MOP and its General Direction Water, we monitored the flow of rivers and, with it, we also examined the state of roads and bridges, "said the first authority of O. Higgins

The ONEMI Regional Director, Alejandra Riquelme, reported that the rain front "brings badociated winds into the coast area, with gusts of up to 60 k / h, mainly Thursday", has he said, on the state of the waves on the coast that since the weekend was presented, Alejandra Riquelme said that "this is maintained for the districts of Paredones, Pichilemu, Litueche and Christmas, which resulted in the closure of harbor master's offices, situation"

The SEREMI Health, through its highest authority, Dr. Rafael Borgoño, has given some recommendations to face the rainy front in a good way. "Only leave the house if necessary, also avoid temperature changes and avoid crowds.The interior of the house should be ventilated at least once a day and in terms of heating use the most appropriate, hopefully not firewood, but clean pollution, "said the health authority.

According to the Meteorological Risk Report published on Monday, the forecast precipitation is:


Tuesday 03 Wednesday 04 Thursday 05
Coast Less than 5 Between 15 and 20 Between 20 and 30
Valley Less than 1 Between 10 and 20 Between 20 and 35
Precordillera Less than 2 Between 10 and 20 ] Between 30 and 40
Cordillera Less than 5 cm Between 25 and 35 cm Between 30 and 39 cm

The Declaration of Alert Regional Preference will remain valid until the last temperatures they deserve it.

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