The keys to understanding the case for which an arrest warrant was issued against Rafael Correa


The former president of Ecuado R Rafael Correa faces a warrant of arrest that could bring him back to the country with wives of Belgium, where He has resided since he left power in 2017. This case involved Correa in Colombia and is likely to involve the kidnapping of a fierce opponent.

1. The accusation

Former MP Fernando Balda accuses Correa of ​​being the mastermind of his brief kidnapping in 2012, while he was a refugee in Bogotá. The former lawmaker of the Patriotic Society Party (PSP) argues that five people forced him into a car, but the Colombian police intercepted the vehicle and obtained his immediate release.

A judge ruled that Correa should appear last Monday. forward every 15 days to the National Court of Justice (NYC) in Quito. However, Correa respected the diligence of the Ecuadorian consulate in Belgium, invoking international conventions and national laws to exercise its rights as an Ecuadorian resident abroad

The Public Prosecutor 's Office considered that the. former president had violated the provision and requested his preventive detention. for the crimes of conspiracy and kidnapping. The court accepted the request and asked Interpol to locate it for the purposes of capture and extradition.

2. The Defense

Correa is the highest official to be linked to this case, for which there are also three intelligence officers and a former detained police commander. In addition, he weighs a prison order and a request for extradition on a former head of the National Intelligence Secretariat who is in Spain.

The ex-governor, who moved to Belgium in 2017 after a decade in power, denounces a "persecution". political and judicial ", in the midst of the harsh confrontation that he conducted with his successor and exaliado, Lenín Moreno.In his first voluntary statement, Correa denied in Brussels know the police involved in the case. [19659004] The exmandatario expressed in his Twitter account that "everything is a vulgar badembly" and that "they will NEVER show a single proof" of his participation in the organization of Abduction After hearing the decision of the CNJ, the former president described as "serious abuse of justice" and his rights the decision of Judge Daniella Camacho

"I'm fine, do not worry, they will seek to humiliate us and hurt us, but such a monstrosity will NEVER flourish in a state of law like Belgium, "Correa wrote on Twitter.

3. Options of Correa

The Balda Affair is still at the stage of tax instruction, so that i It is possible that the former president may be dismissed before the National Court of Justice requests a trial. For it to be prosecuted, Correa must be in Ecuador, since kidnapping is a crime for which Ecuadorian law prevents the process in absentia.

If it is not stopped or does not appear in the eventual trial, the process will be suspended. and it would be prescribed in six years. Correa's defense can always request the replacement or dismissal of pre-trial detention. However, the former president has already failed to comply periodically with the authority of Quito.

"I think that it is unlikely that the measure will be revoked, but legally it still has this alternative," AFP constitutional expert Juan Francisco Guerrero told AFP. from the private Catholic University of Ecuador. Correa also anticipated the possibility of applying for asylum in Belgium, where he is his wife. "For this he should demonstrate that he is a political persecutor and fulfill the requirements that Belgium imposes for the purpose," Guerrero said.


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