The Bío Bío region "survives" on the second day of a storm with winds over 100 km / h | National


Forts winds of more than 100 kilometers per hour and fallen trees and floods leave the frontal system by the region of Bío Bío and its various municipalities. 19659002] One of the most complex situations occurred when part of the roof of the mall Mall Plaza del Trebol fell on several vehicles parked in the enclosure.

The frontal system has been strongly felt since Tuesday's zone, with flooding the streets, landslides, trees falling into the woods road, power cuts, and strong winds that have reached 113 km / h . the measurements of the Marine Meteorological Center, at Talcahuano rained at least 50 millimeters which would increase until Saturday, when it would decline the pbadage of the frontal system.

So said the captain of the Interior. Sea ítima de Talcahuano, Gonzalo Concha .

One of the floods that complicates the transit of hundreds of penquistas families is that which occurs in the Ramón Carrasco Street which was flooded again and the traffic of vehicles had to be suspended; involving the use of motobombas .

Christofer Gallegos Chief of Community Service of the Municipality of Concepción, supervised the work of crews destined to remove water, which He added that the solution to this flood is "long-winded . "

The mayor of Talcahuano, Henry Campos badured that the municipality tolerated well the frontal system, and that there was only a risk with the fall of a billboard and public lighting.

https: //media.biobiochile. cl / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / temporal-3.mp3

The harbors are closed and the provinces of Concepción, Ñuble and Bío Bío are the object of. early warning.

The wind caused the fall of part of the roof of the Mall Plaza Trebol, which fell on three vehicles that were parked, but no one was injured.

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