Muñoz reveals Piñera's request for the future Chancellor


A few weeks before the arrival of President Sebastián Piñera in La Moneda, Chancellor Heraldo Muñoz (19459004) then detailing his cabinet, held three meetings with the President-elect the foreign policy of the country and the next steps to be followed in the coming days of the allegations of maritime demand in The Hague in March

However, in one of its meetings, Muñoz revealed in T13 Night that the president asked for his opinion on four candidates, proposed by Chile Vamos, to badume as the next foreign minister in his cabinet.

The current president of the PPD excused himself in the first place by saying that he was asking a "possible opponent" however, Piñera indicated that he was considering it as "a man of state"

"I think he was not satisfied with any of the four and that he was n & # 39; There was no current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ampuero. I gave him a more favorable opinion of one of the other three "without mentioning the name of any of the candidates.

He also revealed that he had asked her to collaborate with the advisory team on the subject of The Hague. "I certainly could not refuse, I just told him that I had to call the president to be the first person to know," Muñoz said.

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