Piñera intervenes in the "telecom" crisis and the government will submit the consultation to the TDLC by tape


"Leaving a very good bilateral meeting with the President (…) We are making steady progress in the digital development of all Chilean citizens."

With these words, and by Twitter, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications Pamela Gidi made public a meeting with the president yesterday in La Moneda, in which also participated the Minister of Economy, José Ramón Valente, the chief of transport Gloria Hutt and Cristián Larroulet, chief of the second floor of La Moneda .

At the meeting, according to ministry sources, important definitions were made about the use of the spectrum. radio, a subject that has sparked significant controversy both at the governmental level and between private parties. This, after last week, the Subtel has decided to freeze the use of the band 3,500 MHz, a few days before the Supreme Court, accepting a presentation of Conadecus, decided to limit the use of the band 700 at 60 MHz per operator, generating between the two

The meeting also saw the strategy of Subtel to go to the Free Competition Defense Court (TDLC) for this proceeding to submit a non-contentious consultation, on a proposal to increase the limit on the use of the radio spectrum. It was one of the two alternatives that Subtel had according to the Suprema decision, since the other involved simply removing the spectrum above the 60 MHz of each operator.

"The Supreme Court ruled that if Subtel found it necessary to increase the CAP, more than 60 MHz could apply to the TDLC We are waiting for the formal proposals from the companies and, on that basis, we will consider the issue of the TDLC, which is of course one of the alternatives we will badyze.We are very open to discuss with the industry so that all Chileans can benefit from the allocation and distribution of radio spectrum, "said Mr. Gidi.

Another important aspect of the meeting is that the spokesperson of Gidi has been ratified Regarding the issue, at the same time it was decided to strengthen the role of the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications Gloria Hutt in the question.

Regarding the talks, explain that La Moneda has been aware for several weeks – that is, before the announcement regarding the 3500 MHz band of Subtel's plan regarding the 5G service improvement, which should be ready by 2020. At the same time, they recognize that some private representatives have exerted a powerful lobby to reverse the freeze trend of the 3500 MHz band, which has also been exposed at the meeting with Piñera.

Internal Changes

At the same time, Subtel has been a few internal adjustments. And although the official version is that these movements have nothing to do with alleged internal discrepancies related to the decision to freeze the band of 3,500 MHz, sources suggest that the idea is to "get off the hook". to ensure a team with a unique vision

. is that of Gonzalo Doña, former director of the Regulation Policies of Subtel. From the entity, they reported that their departure had been notified on June 6, that is, before the decision was made. Despite this, sources familiar with the decision explain that there is a relationship.

"During the first 100 days of government, technical teams were formed, including regulatory policy.In this team configuration, all areas and officials are the object of 39, an badessment of performance that must match the demands and pace of work required by this undersecretary as a key element of the country's digital development.More specifically in the case of Gonzalo Doña, he was asked to resign due to a performance problem and not to respond to discrepancies of technical opinions with the authority, "said Subtel, in an official manner.

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