Usach: Students ask university professor accused of sexual abuse to leave university


Impact generated in the university community of University of Santiago de Chile (Usach) the situation in front of the campus academician, doctor in clinical psychology and health of l 39; University of Granada, Pablo Vera about which an administrative was opened for six complaints of harbadment and badual abuse against him. The charges were brought by three students and people who worked with him

Vera, who headed up to the Directorate of Scientific and Technological Research (Dicyt) of the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Development and Innovation (Vridei) was denounced a year ago. Later, other charges were added, including those of workplace harbadment and abuse of power.

One of the plaintiffs, Romina Podestá (31), a clinical psychologist at the institution, told her story to El Desconcierto. As he accused, in 2012, while Vera was reviewing his thesis, the professor "puts his hand on my leg and puts it between my thighs while I still read the computer. I wanted to scream, cry, start tearing, but I could not. I was stiff, paralyzed, I froze. "

The young woman added that " he abused me, he violated my body limits . These months were terribly violent and I was so crazy to feel that he could snap his fingers and I disappeared from Usach. "


The Internal Investigation is in the process of appeal but it has been known for a few hours that the charges of badual harbadment and badual harbadment The stories show some characteristics such as the surprise of the first episode and the control that Vera exerted on the relations.

The facts that Vera confronts have surprised the staff that this Friday faces a new electoral process to choose the rector

He is highly respected in the academic world.He specialized in topics such as anxiety, depression, psychoneuroimmunology, psychophysiology, positive psychology, optimism, well-being and happiness.

Among the positions he held include the Office of Scientific and Technological Research of the University of Santiago CONSEQUENTLY FOR THE COURTS [19659006] This Wednesday i four of the plaintiffs filed suit in court for badual abuse against Pablo Vera for events that occurred between 2011 and 2017.

At the time the complaint was filed, Psychology students who took the faculty in protest demonstrated in front of the presbytery demanding answers for the charges.

Javiera Medina, Gender Delegate of University Psychology [1945900] 7] and Secretary of Communications of the Vocation Gender of Usach, said La ​​Nación that Although the resume against Vera began a year ago, the investigation took longer, because he was disabled, the second prosecutor had to travel and did not investigate much. Then they forwarded the case to another attorney and it is only in 2018 that the case was devoted exclusively. "

After the first two complaints, filed a year ago," have been added cases of harbadment ", Medina explains.

According to the complainants, especially those referring to the abuse of power, it is stated that he made it clear to people "that they arrived where they were (work), because he helped them." They had the feeling that they could not fight with him, because Vera could undo your career. All the complaints are related to what happened to the students to whom the university addressed the undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses, "adds the director.

Meeting with Zolezzi

Gender psychology delegate notes that the students they hope that Pablo Vera "will leave this university and will not return to teaching . We are concerned that this University has had so much power within the Vridei, many decisions have been made through it, and we are also concerned that some academics have reported that academics falsify data for their publications. "

Chief says that students have attended the School of Psychology since Tuesday, especially the area where the university is currently working. (Citiaps) survey.

Mena predicts that this Thursday, at 3:30 pm, they will meet Rector Juan Manuel Zolezzi to raise the urgent need to take action against the accused university.Representatives of the coordinator of students in psychology, the delegate and President of the Student Federation, Juan Pablo Latorre, will participate in the meeting.

"We hope that he will tell us what they do with Vera and we will question it, suggest that a year has pbaded since the first denunciations were made .It was delayed because the research was never exclusively devoted.We have come to the conclusion that the process has been delayed, as some cases have been prescribed l & # 39; Last year we want Vera to have a sanction, "said Javiera Mena


University journalism students decided to support psychology students. They issued a statement Thursday highlighting the courage of people who denounce "these practices that we seek to eradicate from our university spaces."

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