Anti-nepotism: The project aims to recruit relatives, "budinists" and political operators


The President Sebastián Piñera presented Thursday the project of Public Integrity, better known as "antinepotism" which aims to "ban the culture of clientelism" , pituto and operator

Among the points of the project, let us emphasize the regulation of the hiring of family members in the state where it is proposed that parents up to the third degree of consanguinity of the president, ministers, under-secretaries, parliamentarians, ambbadadors and mayors To work in the state, they must go through a filter.

All after the failure of the appointment of his brother Pablo Piñera, as ambbadador to Argentina

"This project will face all the problems we have detected in terms of probity, impartiality and competence in the field. State Administration ", declared President Pi 19659002] "At the same time, it is the first project – because it is an agenda – of probity and transparency that will have a period of implementation by laws, regulations, decrees, but especially requires a change of attitude, in culture "continued the president.

And concluded stating that " we want to ban the culture of patronage, pituto, the political operator and restore fullness of the culture of the public official really ."

Project Ideas

Among Other Project Points Prohibits the Hiring of Parents in the National Congress ; the sources of income of parliamentarians are regulated and also the correct use of badignments ; abstain on matters in which they have personal interests.

In addition, it is proposed that former parliamentarians, ministers, undersecretaries and heads of services may not press for 12 months to leave their posts and also, all parliamentarians, except parliamentarians, are prohibited from serving private persons who have been audited by their respective departments such as working in an electricity company after having been Minister of Energy

Split Officialism

There is a noise in the ruling party, where states that many access barriers are dissuasive to access a position and leave her.

However, others reject it: "I think it is very important, that on one hand transparency on the one hand, and on the other hand part, that we can also attract people through The validation system will realize that these are people who have the merit of entering the public service I think it is extremely important what we live, "said the deputy Andrés.Molina (Evópoli).

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