A three-year-old boy loses two fingers while his mother takes turns | National


A boy of only three years lost two of his fingers after his hand was trapped in the huincha of the stationary bicycle in which his mother exercised.

The fact – according to La Estrella collection was produced around 20:00 last Tuesday in Valparaíso while the woman was training to spin in the living room of his house, located on the hill of Monjas. It was at this time, when the miner got his hands on the machine triggering the emergency.

Specifically, according to the Buenos Aires newspaper, the child suffered traumatic amputation of the fingers. to be transferred in a special way to the Children 's Emergency Unit of Carlos Van Buren Hospital.

"The 3-year-old patient suffered a high-energy injury in his left hand caused a very serious injury with the amputation of the middle finger in his second phalanx, and amputation of the index between the first and second phalanx, "explained David Gutiérrez, director of the health center in conversation with Buenos Aires.

He added: "Unfortunately, the energy of the lesion makes it impossible to relocate the fingers .We have experience of reimplantation when they are coronally produced from clippings or d & rsquo; Traumatic amputations, but in this case the amputation was longitudinal (following the finger line) and at high energy, and it was impossible to perform. "

parents put their fingers on the ice for the purpose that the doctors could perform a re-implantation, which ultimately did not have any positive results.

Currently, serious injury keeps the minor under observation, as a result of risk of bone infection, receiving antibiotics.

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