Lenin Moreno asks Correa to return to Ecuador to appear in court


The President of the Equator, Lenin Moreno stated that Rafael Correa who lives in Belgium "should return to Ecuador to appear in court", which given pre-trial detention last Tuesday, for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping of an opponent in 2012.

"It scares me to know that the young idealist I met in 2006 has strangely turned, sinister way, towards a character of this quality, "Moreno said at a meeting with the foreign press at the national government headquarters in Quito.

The President added that "it is not nice to have been vice president twice of a person who has had authoritarian behaviors". they committed clandestine abductions, clandestine abductions, human rights violations and killings. "

Ecuadorian justice ordered a pre-trial detention order on Tuesday and activated a red Interpol circular for the purpose of extradition against Correa, who lives in Belgium with his family after leaving power in May. 2017.

Investigation against Correa

The prosecution investigates the ex-principal for the alleged crimes of illicit badociation and the kidnapping of the opponent Fernando Balda in Bogotá in 2012 Ex-deputy delegate accuses Correa of ​​ordering his brief abduction

Correa told AFP [1945910] Wednesday that returning to Ecuador would be "almost a suicide". because he believes that he has no "guarantees", and alludes to the possibility of seeking asylum in Belgium, believing that this country will "never treat" his extradition

Reactions in the world

Following the judicial decision, Correa He received the support of Presidents Evo Morales of Bolivia and Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela, which generated a diplomatic offensive of Ecuador. Quito called for consultations with his ambbadador in La Paz and suspended the trip of his new representative to Caracas

Moreno deemed "unfortunate" the statements of Morales and Maduro, who denounce a "politicization of the Ecuadorian justice" and "persecution" against Correa, respectively.

"We took our resolutions independently without anyone incrementing our decision and we respected the autonomy of each of these countries, and we demand the same kind of respect," Moreno said. . . (Information from AFP)

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