Treasury fraud and embezzlement: Florida advisers to sue Rodolfo Carter


Florida councilors will file a lawsuit against Mayor Rodolfo Carter, denouncing possible misappropriation of municipal funds, misappropriation and treasure fraud.

This after the Comptroller's Office issued a report last February, which was forwarded to the Public Ministry, where it is concluded that the destination of the resources used to cover the expenses between 2015 and 2017 could not have been to be confirmed.

According to the radio publication Cooperativa, the advisers indicated that there are 2,223 million pesos that should be in the health and education accounts of the municipality, in addition to denouncing the non-payment of pension contributions by officials in a timely manner, resulting in a loss of 559 million pesos.

they manage to confirm the crimes, Rodolfo Carter would risk the suspension of his position from one to two years, in addition to 541 days to three years imprisonment for embezzlement, with a fine ranging from one million to a million 400 thousand pesos.

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