Elon Musk has an idea to save the children trapped in the cave in Thailand | Photo 1 of 5 | World


The news of the twelve children and their football coach who are trapped in the cave Tham Luang which is flooded in Thailand has attracted the attention of the billionaire and visionary Elon Musk who has an idea to free them.

Up to now, it is known that the rescue will take several months, because the inaccessible cave is virtually flooded. This fact has already cost the life of Saman Kunan, a 38 year old diver who worked with the Thai Navy and tried to help children with oxygen and supplies, but was unfortunately drowned when he came back to the surface.

For these reasons, Elon Musk said that he had thought of a plan that could work. And thanks to his Twitter account, he offered his services to the authorities of the Asian country.

"I suspect the Thai government has the situation under control, but I will be happy to help if there is a way to do it."


The idea of ​​the tycoon is to introduce a nylon tube inside the cave and fill it with air of "bouncy castle" thus creating a tunnel under -marine

. The Boring Company, specializing in the excavation and construction of underground structures, has an "advanced terrain drilling radar" "very good for digging holes".

I suspect that the Thai government has this control under control, but I am happy to help if there is a way to do it

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 4 July 2018

"It may be worth trying: insert a one meter diameter nylon tube (or a shorter set of tubes for the harder sections) across the network. of caverns and inflate it with air, the underwater air against the ceiling of the cave that suits strange shapes like those of the 70 cm hole, "he added.

Perhaps worth trying: insert into a 1 m diameter nylon tube (or a shorter set of tubes for the more difficult sections) through the cave network and inflate with of air like an inflatable castle.It should create an air tunnel under the water against a cave roof and conform to odd shapes like the t 70cm high.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 6 July 2018

In other tweets, the tycoon claims the possibility of building a small submarine with parts of his Falcon rocket . "The main road is basically a small submarine the size of a kid who uses the Falcon rocket's liquid oxygen transfer tube as a helmet."

We received more good comments from Thailand. The primary path is a small, child-sized submarine using the Falcon rocket's liquid oxygen transfer tube as a hull. Light enough to be done by 2 divers, small enough to pbad through narrow spaces. Extremely robust.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 7, 2018

About the time it would take to make this submarine, Musk said it would take about 8 hours and the moving to Thailand would take another 17 hours. This includes four handles at the front and back and several air connections.

Construction completed in about 8 hours, then 17 hours flight to Thailand

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 7 July 2018


D & # On the other hand, the spokesman for the company said that they were in talks with the Thai government to "see how we can help, and we will send people from SpaceX and The Boring Company of the United States. in Thailand to provide support in the field. "

"Once we have confirmed what will be most useful to send or do, we will do so, we receive information and advice from those present in Chiang Rai to determine the best way to help them. ", added the spokesperson.

The idea of ​​the air tunnel seems promising for the twelve children and their teacher, imprisoned in the cave since June 23rd.

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