Evo Morales Celebrates a 30% Reduction for Bolivian Freight in the Peruvian Port of Ilo


By Redacción PortalPortuario.cl/Agency ABI


The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, celebrated the 30% decline that Peru approved in the tariffs imposed on the Bolivian cargo in the Puerto The President said that this decision is "favorable" for Bolivia's foreign trade and the integration of two sister countries.

"Greet and thank the opening of neighboring country neighbor, Peru, which announced the decline in 30% of its tariffs in the port of Ilo, for Bolivian exports." a favorable measure for the transport of all the Bolivian cargo that will pbad through this Peruvian port, "he wrote in his Twitter account.

Peru's decision to reduce tariffs on Bolivian cargo by 30% It established in the bilateral meeting held on Thursday the authorities of the two countries in the department of Cochabamba

At this meeting, the project of 39 agreement for the approval of driving licenses has also been drafted, which will be signed in the next binational cabinet, with prior approval and compatibility of traffic rules for dangerous goods, such as explosives and reagents, among others.

"We have a common history with the Peruvian people, our ancestors developed the Peru-Bolivia Confederation, and together with the Pdte @MartinVizcarraC now we are leading the integration, as brother and neighbor cities. F. Pdte Vizcarra, his government and his people, "he said in another article about his social network.

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