girl with cerebral palsy walks for the first time


July 7, 2018 – 19:52
Maya managed to stop and take her first steps. He did it in an awesome video that went viral because of the emotion in his voice when he managed to advance on his own.

& # 39; I'm walking! … I walk! … I walk! Yes! … even takes a big step, "says Maya in the file where she appears accompanied by her older brother and her pet, according to ABC News.

This major breakthrough was achieved after the minor, who uses a walker. From the age of one year, he arrives with his family at St. Louis Children's Hospital of Missouri where he has has undergone surgery called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, an intervention aimed at permanently reducing Maya's spasticity, giving her the opportunity to live with less pain and more mobility "according to the family.

After the operation, the attending physician told the girl's parents that Maya would walk, but not without a daily physical therapy and exhausting.

Despite the good prognosis, the parents said that they were surprised by the girl's accomplishment: "We were expecting, where was Maya before the surgery, it would take at least six months to a year to reach the independent stadiums and here we are seven weeks later … she is like going out of the water, "said the family.

Still, the family said to stay calm:" Maya has always CP (cerebral palsy). He still has damage to his brain and still has stiffness in his legs … He will continue physiotherapy five days a week, as we have done, and he strengthens and practices his ability to walk, " they added. .

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