Chronology of the Lara case: what remained after the death of the Valparaíso Municipal Guard | National


This Saturday, the justice released the sentence for the six convicts of the death of Eduardo Lara, a municipal guard who died in a fire caused after the march of May 21, 2016 in Valparaíso .

The case, which lasted a little over two years, was marked by various stages that culminated in the determination of the Criminal Court of Orteral of Buenos Aires, which sentenced Miguel Ángel Varela Veas to . years in prison for his responsibility in the death of Lara . Three of these years are for the carrying of the incendiary bomb, while the other 12 for their co-paternity in the incident with a fatal result.

Also for his quality of co-perpetrator of the fire crime resulting in the death of the municipal guard, he was found guilty 12 years Felipe Eduardo Ríos Henríquez, who launched the accelerator that propagated flames.

The other four convicts, the court sentenced them to a ten-year prison term in their middle rank, as co-perpetrators of the crime. They are Constanza Ignacia Gutiérrez Salinas, Hugo Ignacio Barraza Araya, Rodrigo Andrés Araya Villalobos and Nicolás David Bayer Monnard

The decision concluded that Miguel Ángel Varela Veas must serve the sentences successively. The court also determined that under the law, no penalty of substitution is applicable and established that, once the judgment is executed, a sample of genetic fingerprints was deducted from the six convicts

. Valparaíso, we want peace, "reads outside the hospital Carlos van Buren after the death of the municipal officer Eduardo Lara | UN Agencia

The Facts

On May 21, 2016, Hugo Ignacio Barraza Araya, Felipe Eduardo Rios Henríquez, Constanza Ignacio Gutiérrez Salinas, Nicolás David Bayer Monnard and Rodrigo Andrés Araya Villalobos went to the traditionally called march then, by organizations such as the CUT, Anef and Confech in Valparaiso, on the occasion of the Public Account

The city plan tour was authorized by the provincial government, headed at that time by Jorge dip. , despite an unfavorable report by Carabineros where it was recommended not to authorize the march for non-compliance with the minimum security conditions.

Operational difficulties were also noted, due to strong demand from officials because of the Presidential public account and the Naval Glories ceremony.

Indeed, at the National Congress, former President Michelle Bachelet delivered her penultimate speech. from his second term, excesses were produced in the plan of Buenos Aires, the destruction of public and private property; the most serious, the fire that resulted in the death of Eduardo Lara

Hugo, Felipe, Nicolás, Rodrigo and Constanza – who wore a blue bag – gathered around 10:30 am in the surrounding Entel store, on Pedro Montt Avenue, also victim of attacks

  Funeral of Eduardo Lara | UN Agencia
Funeral of Eduardo Lara | Agencia UN

15 minutes later, they met Miguel Ángel Varela Veas to go to the Ahumada pharmacy, located on the first floor of a building, at the corner of Pedro Montt and Las Heras streets. Hooded, with a hammer a devil iron and a metal combo Hugo, Felipe, Nicolás, Rodrigo and Miguel Ángel, hit the metal curtains of the premises to open them.

When they did, Miguel Ángel, He threw the Molotov-type incendiary bomb into the pharmacy. The fire started and Felipe had it spread, throwing a bottle with the accelerator fluid of burning, transported earlier in the blue bag that had Constanza.

The intensity of the flames increased and there were people inside the three-story building, who entered when they forced the opening of the pharmacy. The fire spread to the upper floors.

Eduardo Lara Tapia was in the offices of the Municipal Secretary of Valparaíso, where he served as a guard. He was a victim of acute carbon monoxide poisoning (anemic hypoxia) being rescued by firefighters under critical conditions.

  Firefighters who worked for the rescue of the municipal official | United Nations Agencia
Firefighters who worked to rescue the municipal official | Agencia UN

When he was missing five minutes at noon, Eduardo entered Carlos Van Buren's hospital, but died at 12:11 on May 21, 2016, when the presidential public account was created at the parade of Naval glories.

The Role of the Regional Government and the Municipality of Valparaiso

After that, the Valparaíso Stewardship filed a complaint in May 2016, as the city of Buenos Aires.

This last entity, however, was left out as the plaintiff to arrive – allegedly – late in the preparatory hearing of the oral proceedings, a situation that the administration of Jorge Sharp denied arguing an error at the time of the quote and that they tried to return by an appeal of nullity, it was dismissed by the Valparaiso Court of Appeal.

This has produced cross-statements between Mayor Sharp and Regional Mayor Jorge Martínez since the government described as negligent the actions of the municipality according to Judge Amara Arraztoa and then the Regional Chief approved the criticism.

The provincial governor, María de los Ángeles de La Paz, while the communal leader responded, accusing the regional intention of trying to obtain political income rather than to pretend to make sure that this is done justice

Whatever the case may be, after the conviction known yesterday on Saturday, the executive expressed satisfaction with the sentence of the oral trial. In this line, the governor of Buenos Aires, Maria de Los Angeles La Paz was present at the reading of the verdict.

  Reading the sentence on Saturday | UN Agencia
Reading Saturday's sentence | Agencia UNO

Similarly, he appreciated what he considered an exemplary decision, with strong criminal responsibilities and penalties for effective compliance, as well as police work in the investigation and the proceedings of the case

and coordinated work that allows the courts to be convinced of having this type of conviction, "he said.

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