"Yapp": the application that allows you to see which pharmacy are the cheapest drugs | Technology


A few months ago, a group of Chilean entrepreneurs created an app called Yapp, that allows anyone to see, as a result of a series of filters, the cheapest drugs in each city

. This technological tool is available for free for Android and IOS systems and works quite intuitively, since it only asks users to set the location, medical insurance data ( Isapre or Fonasa) and if the person has a certain advantage to choose.

Javier Appelgren, creator of this tool, told La Cuarta that the goal is to keep consumers informed of the prices offered by the drug market.

  jornalibia. com.br

"This" App "comes to transparent and communicates in a simple way all that the market offers in the pharmaceutical field, without interfering or confusing In the original research of the user, he said.

Appelgren added that this application seeks to inform people about their health benefits, according to the plan isapre or Fonasa coverage available

"Five out of six patients do not occupy the GHG / AUGE mainly because they do not know that their disease is being considered, that's why we include the alternative of 39; educate the user on how to activate its profit "

To download it, go to the following link: 19659010] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
FB.init ({
appId: & # 39; 448496728510945 & # 39;
autoLogAppEvents: true,
xfbml: true,
version: & # 39; v3.0 & # 39;

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var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0];
if (d.getElementById (id)) returns;
js = d.createElement (s); js.id = id;
js.src = & # 39; https: //connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js&#39 ;;
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);
} (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
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