There are plane tickets abroad 40% cheaper in dollars, because of the low demand


The sharp depreciation of the Argentine peso against the dollar discouraged the demand for foreign travel. To improve the occupation of their aircraft, for just over 10 days began to be seen lower rates in dollars to fly some destinations, which partially offset, well, the sharp rise dollar.

consulted, such as Bibam (Avantrip and Byblos), Atrápalo, Despegar and TTS Viajes and the search engine flights Turismocity greater availability of promotional seats and, some of them, prices significantly lower, with discounts of up to 40% in dollars in some cases

"In June, there was a drop of more than 25% in international ticket reservations, and for just over 10 days we noticed that dollar prices were falling to some destinations, depending on the date of the trip.Transfers are obtained up to 30% cheaper in dollars than a few months ago, especially in the United States and in South America, but also in Central America, not so much in Europe, because the demand was more sustained ", Abricio Di Giambattista, president of Faevyt, the federation of the travel agencies

De Turismocity they badure that sales started to be Specially seen last week, although a specific destination began to be promoted a few days before. "In general, prices are lower by 20 to 30 percent in dollars, but in some destinations they reach up to 40 percent, as in South Africa, Cancun or Punta Cana, though 39, it is expected a trip, the ideal is to buy now Julián Gurfinkiel, co-founder of Turismocity

Martín Romano, general manager of Atrápalo, commented that he was starting to notice sales two weeks ago in dollars of 15% to 20%, especially in the United States. "The greatest reductions are observed from the inside. from the country, from Córdoba and Rosario. This is a good time to buy because there are good dollar promotions, although in pesos the prices may seem high. As the devaluation was very strong, in pesos they were costing more than before, but not with the dollar, "says Romano.

Pablo Aperio, general manager of TTS Viajes, and Ezequiel Pico, director of Air Product from Bibam, explained that airlines are offering more seats at promotional rates than usual to record the low demand, to occupy their flights. "From August, most have trouble filling their flights; therefore, pbadengers should travel because they will find good deals, as airlines will be more willing to resign to increase the number of pbadengers, "said Pico, of Bibam. [19659006] For his part, Marcelo Grether, Director of Strategic Planning Despegar, explained how the dollar has affected demand, including "in commercial destinations like Chile and the United States which recorded in June a decline of 35% Other on the beach, such as the Caribbean or Brazil, have a lower drop of 15% or 17% .On the other hand, companies stay longer.But they are also affected by the rising interest rate, for which quotas are more limited.That is why there are opportunities for promotions that did not exist before because there was a lot of demand , "added Mr. Grether [196] 59013] Here are some examples of casualties that occurred up until last week, some of which are still in effect.

Flights to Cuba from Rosario, Cordoba and Mendoza for $ 16,000 (about $ 560) in high season, cost Generally, as cheap, u $ s 1000, according to Turismocity.

South Africa was offered Friday at $ 13,900 from Ezeiza
[19659006] Miami, for $ 21,000 (less than $ 850), Cancun, for $ 17,500 inland and $ 21,000 from Ezeiza, in Punta Cana, $ 18,000 and $ 20,000 respectively, and Rio de Janeiro, for $ 6700 from Córdoba

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