CSR is no longer an option, it is a parameter of competitiveness


By Jessica Guzmán

Jul. 09, 2018- 19:28

The implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability projects is no longer an option for companies wishing to participate in the project. The competitive market, national or international, and El Salvador is no exception

Many companies in different sectors rely on sustainable development and develop CSR projects that generate a real social impact in the community.

One of the objectives of the sixth edition of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Week, launched yesterday by the Corporate Foundation for Social Action (Fundemas), with support from the United States Agency for International Development.

"If companies want to be competitive, if they want to export, if they want to compete locally, they should integrate social, economic and social issues into their business model." only the profitability of the business, but social issues, problems of your community, human rights, so what is promoted here is the issue of tripleteness, " said Haydee de Trigueros, Executive Director of Fundemas

Fundamas President Tomás Regalado Papini delivered the opening speech of the event Foto EH / S. Meléndez

For his On the other hand, the president of Fundemas, Tomás Regalado Papini, emphasized during the inauguration, the projects of the League of Companies and Industrias La Constancia, with which both develop advantages in the communities those who are located. the inclusion of "Old gang members" in his maquila and project studies for all his employees, and that of ILC called Water for Nejapa.

Papini pointed out that something vital for business is innovation and leadership. These "successful projects" showed

The special guest at the opening of the event was the US ambbadador, Jean Manes, who said that 2018 is the # 39, year of innovation.

"Because we believe that development is led by people who dare to think differently and take innovative measures … and El Salvador is at the moment of many opportunities and innovation can be the catalyst for change that must begin a real development in the country, "said the ambbadador.

Manes added that advancing the country is a job for all Salvadorans and that decisions that are made in all areas, including the company, affect them positively or negatively the entire society; He also urged El Salvador to continue its struggle for development and the fight against corruption.

As part of CSR 2018 Week, a series of companies that show their sustainable projects and their social impact participate. Photo EDH / Salvador Meléndez.

The Challenges of Leadership and the Future

Sustainable development is a challenge and entrepreneurial tasks are not isolated, according to American Jerome Glenn, CEO of the Millennium Project, who gave the first

Glenn talked about the 15 challenges or challenges and among these poses ways to achieve sustainable development, ensure access to clean water, promote ethical market economies and fight against new and re-emerging diseases, but what raises the most important, is that they can only be addressed by the government, or only by an organization that develops a project, but must involve all actors in society.

Glenn explains that it is necessary to make a diagnosis. from the current situation and consider where you want to go and what will happen in the future if you do not take the necessary leadership and create solutions to the challenges you face, not just the second presentation was in charge of Inti Núñez, director of strategy of the University of Concepción of Chile, expert in the ecosystems of innovation and entrepreneurship and gave his lecture titled "Ecosystems of the & # 39; 39, innovation and sustainability. "

" It is necessary to take these remarkable things and make them grow, to make visible those examples that make us better. But it is a joint work of public policies, the private sector, academies and each component of this ecosystem, "explained Núñez

. Núñez said countries should create innovation policies and seek solutions. of their creativity problems, not to stay in "vicious circles" that only calm them down.

"Countries that do not invest to make firms more productive, do not have policies that call for productivity and create new businesses. Migrate, because somebody Another will do it, another country near us will do it and take away the talent, "said the Chilean lecturer

The Chilean said that El Salvador should not be content to be" a photocopier. "Just reproduce what is done elsewhere and worse if the ideas are no longer replicated at each cycle of government, because they must find solutions based on innovative ideas and a long-term vision. [19659004] On this first day of the CSR and Sustainable Development week, the "Future Innovation and Leadership" discussion group, opportunity for El Salvador, with the two main speakers, also took place.

This day, the focus is put on The conference will be directed by Néstor Guerra, from Spain, consultant in innovation, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship

Fundemas will launch the RED Sun-Scaling Up Nutrition companies of the World Food Program (WFP).

] In addition, the American speaker Celina Pagani Tousignant, president of Normisur Internacional, a company specializing in CSR and sustainable development, will talk about "the evolution of the role of senior management of CSR and sustainability" .

The week ends Thursday, July 12th.



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