They discovered, in San Juan, the oldest dinosaur: it has 205 million years


A group of Argentine researchers introduced Ingentia Prima: the first giant dinosaur that inhabited the planet … there are 205 million years.

It outperforms three times the size of the largest known Tribadic dinosaurs to date.

The discovery was made at the Balde de Leyes deposit, southeast of San Juan.

As described in a study, published this Monday, in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, the species is between 237 and 201. There are millions of years, it is the only 39, one of the first giant sauropods, which is almost three times larger than the largest dinosaurs of the Tribadic

"As soon as we found it, we realized that it was something different. We have found a way, the first to be giant, among all dinosaurs.This is novelty, "said Cecilia Apaldetti, a researcher at the Institute and at the Museum of Natural Sciences of the University of San Juan and Conicet.

Researchers found neck and tail vertebrae and bones.

Alpaldetti, co-author of the study, said that this species shows a " growth strategy unknown until now and indicates that the origin of gigantism has occurred much more t Does that & # 39; we previously thought. "

In this case, they are "herbivorous, quadruped dinosaurs, and they are easily distinguished by having a very long neck and a long tail, from the group of sarópods."

Up to this discovery, reports the newspaper La Nación, He considered that gigantism had arisen during the Jurbadic period: there are about 180 million years.





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