Two Brexit resigns put the British government on the brink of abyss


  Theresa May Brexit

British Prime Minister Theresa May trembles to power after the resignations of Boris Johnson, his Chancellor and his hope to replace him, and two other ministers for not supporting the Prime Minister in the "Brexit soft "", Who proposed Friday to his cabinet divided in Checkers, his country house.

After the chimerical departure of Brexit Secretary David Davis and his letter of caustic resignation ensuring that the British will not have any True control over the legislation, Theresa May has accepted the resignation of her Chancellor, Boris Johnson.

But with the hours of rebellion growing in the ranks of eurosceptics and the possibility of a vote of confidence to the Prime Minister. If it is saved, it is because the British could make national interests prevail in its negotiations with Brexit.

In his press briefing, the port Theresa May's statement said that the prime minister would resist any parliamentary challenge. power. "A risky road for the prime minister, when the Conservative party is divided as never before and it will defend its Brexit project published in Checkers.With its threats, the Brexitiers ask him to change course with respect to Brexit

Boris Johnson, the eccentric Chancellor and Brexit ideologue, resigned for not agreeing with the Soft Brexit that Theresa May imposed on her ministers on Friday. "It's like shining a candle," he said. said Boris descriptively, the same day that May presented his "Brexit model" to Europeans and anti-Europeans in his office, after 24 months of detention … wait and with the tone of a school teacher

Two years to build a proposal on the Brexit and two days for his cabinet to break in pieces.It's the union leader Jeremy Corbyn that sums it up best: "The illusion of a unified government lasted 48 hours and we maintained a government crisis. Far from being stable and strong. There are ministers thrown into the sea and the ship sinks. At the worst possible moment. "

The general belief is that the Conservatives can not comply with Brexit." Although Prime Minister Theresa May rejected the idea of ​​calling a second referendum to consult with the British and verify whether they would be successful. they changed their minds, before the interpellation of a Labor MP.

With Johnson's resignation and his aspirations to replace her in office, a parliamentary challenge to her leadership lurks , organized by the hardest of Brexitiers, who must approve the 1922 Committee, which has enthroned without consultation of the party

The Brexiters are determined: buries "the model of the ladies" or goes, in this Anglo-Saxon sitcom Brexit. Prime Minister will meet Monday night with the 1922 Committee, which will finally decide his fate and challenge his authority.

May replaced Brexit Secretary, former Special Forces veteran David David for Dominic Ra ab, a furious Eurosceptic from his cabinet, while trying to contain the rebellion and disenchantment between the uncompromising Brexit.

In the parliamentary inquiry, May explained that a friendly customs model had been reached for business with the EU and that Britain will have the ability to agree on its own trade agreements. The customs union is not part of its bargaining plan with the EU. "It's the real Brexit," he said.

According to the Prime Minister, "the new Brexit model will accelerate negotiations during the summer, create a new relationship in the autumn and leave the EU in March 2019"

This Monumental and at the same time theatrical political crisis in Britain occurs when US President Donald Trump arrives in the kingdom on Thursday and is expected to meet with Queen Elizabeth and the Prime Minister, while still in power. All in the midst of strong protests against his presence (

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