About 2,000 Argentine and foreign lawyers today presented a letter to support the Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption Project and to urge senators to turn this initiative into law. In the text, the jurists badure that the project of the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion which begins today to be debated in the Senate is compatible with our National Constitution and the International Pacts on Human Rights. [19659002"Reconnaîtreetgarantirl'avortementlégalsûretlibrec'estlavoiedelajusticedel'égalitéetdelaliberté"soulignédanslalettresignéeentreautresparl'ancienjugedelaCoursuprêmeEugenioRaúlZaffaronileradicalismeetancienmembredutribunalduProcèsàlaJuntasRicardoGilLavedralesociologueetjuristeRobertoGargarellal'formerchambellinaMariaLauraGarrigósdeRéborietl'avocateféministeNellyMinyersky
In the text, the signatories argue that the delay of the project sanction IVE "endangers the lives and health of many able-bodied women and people," highlighting the existence of abortions c landestinos in the country. "It's not a matter of discussing" abortion yes "or" abortion ", no, the Senate must decide whether in Argentina there will be safe or dangerous abortions, legal or Recognizing and guaranteeing legal, safe and free abortion is the path to justice, equality and freedom, "concludes the letter.
In addition to Zaffaroni, Gil Lavedra and Gargarella Among the Argentineans, Nelly Minyersky, Mónica Pinto, Aida Kemelmajer, Alicia Ruiz, Horacio Corti, Andrés Gil Dominguez, Cecilia Grosman, Gabriela Vázquez, Marisa Herrera, Alberto Binder, Marcelo Alegre, Paola Bergallo, Hernán Gullco, Martin Böhmer, Fabián Salvioli, Manuel Garrido, Maria Elena Barbagelata, Mariela Belski, Pedro Paradiso Sottile, among others
For its part, the letter also has the signatures of Karen Atala (Judge, Chile), Tamar Pitch (Professor of Università di Perugia, Italy), Salo de Carvalho (professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil), Encarna Bodelón (professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain), Antonio Baylos Grau (professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) and Isabel Jaramillo (Full Professor at the University of Los Andes, Colombia). Foreign lawyers pointed out in another statement, also published by the group of lawyers, their "concern about the lack of full recognition of rights in Argentina".
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