They discover a wasp with a huge dart that lays eggs when it is stung



A new species of wasp, unknown to science, was discovered in the extraordinarily diverse transition zone between the Andean Cordillera and the lowland Amazon rainforest.

"The sting of the new parasitoid wasp, called Clistopyga crbadicaudata is not only long but also very wide compared to the size of the species I have long studied tropical parasitoid wasps, but had never seen anything like it, the sting looks like a fierce weapon, "says Ilari E. Sääksjärvi, of the University of Turku in Finland and co -author of the study of the new species, published in Zootaxa .The insect uses its sting for both spawning and for the injection of poison.

Red sting, almost larger than its body, is longer and wider than usual and has a dual purpose: both to inject poison and to lay eggs on their victims who are usually spiders.

Venom quickly paralyzes spiders and f emelles place their eggs inside. Incubated larvae devour the arachnid from within .

The new parasitoid species belongs to the unusual genus Clistopyga : the wasp searches for spiders that live in nests and paralyzes them with a rapid injection of venom; the female wasp then lays its eggs in the spider and, after hatching, the larva feeds on the paralyzed spider and even any eggs from the spider or offspring.

Scientists still do not know what is the wasp species of these wasps. Beyond this research, the team raises funds to study more unusual insects and other parasitoid wasps in the Amazon

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