Netflix price with the arrival of Ultra in Mexico |


First in Spain and now in Mexico. Netflix has announced a new service called Ultra for its subscribers, and among the changes, the streaming content platform has announced a new rate that is already available in our country with the first tests of the brand new option that will be fully integrated to the next

The change that has attracted the most attention is that the Netflix Premium service will lose benefits such as the possibility of HDR playback, although unlike what is happening in Europe, Mexico, you can share the same screens in both the Premium Premium Plan as in the Ultra. The possibilities for HD and Ultra HD tracking are also preserved

It should also be noted that the new Netflix option is being tested and may disappear if it does not work as expected, even if you decide to cover the cost plus and register, you'll keep it until the end of your subscription even if it's not available to other users.

As you can see, contrary to what is happening in Italy and Spain, the Ultra plan does not pose any fundamental differences Premium, so we do not imagine many users who request it, although we had to see how the tests went.

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