Galaxy Note 9 purple with S Golden Pen and other novelties



Yes, the S Pen would come in gold, but its color will be different from that of the camera.

Juan Garzón / CNET

The Galaxy Note 9 is fast approaching. On August 9, at an event in New York, the South Korean firm will present its new flagship, yet the rumors do not stop. On this occasion, a supposed promotional poster reveals some of the characteristics that have impressed us the most in recent months.

The main detail revealed by this photograph is that the Galaxy Note 9 will have a hearing aid port. Since Apple has decided to eliminate this port from its flagship devices, and that even Google has followed this path, one of the big uncertainties had been if Samsung would bet also on this path.

] The photo of the poster shared by Twitter and which has also been reported by 9to5Google, reveals not only this detail. He also lets us know that there will be a version of the Galaxy Note 9 in purple with a gold S Pen, in a combination of colors never seen.

Change the color of the S Pen and make it such an important object, can only bring us closer to the confirmation of another rumor: the Samsung pen could finally add the battery and technology Bluetooth to become a remote control and also gain new uses in the future.

This week we knew that Samsung will advance the device's selling date to make it available before the iPhones of 2018, mostly because sales of the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus have not been the best.

And although we will soon know the Galaxy Note 9 soon, the rumors of the Galaxy S10 and even the future Galaxy Watch – the clock with the renowned name of Samsung – already leave us thirsty to know about the upcoming devices from the South Korean company.

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