An agro-food company invests heavily in photovoltaics in San Fernando


On the roof of the factory Nestle to San Fernando – where baby food and culinary products are produced – invested nearly 100 millions of dollars for to install the 820 m² of solar panels which will reach the production of electricity by solar energy of 142.900 Kwh be the Equivalent of the annual consumption of 65 homes. In addition, the project will reduce emissions of about 66 tons of CO2 per year equivalent to the CO2 that can absorb 2,900 trees in the same period, through the use of solar energy

. Largest photovoltaic project in the photovoltaic industry, carried out in Chile .

The Seremi energy of the region of O. Higgins, Pedro Pablo Ogaz visited the company and noted that "in our management, we we have considered bringing the different types of energy closer to the industries that currently operate in the region of O. Higgins where, furthermore, we want to know the experiences of those who incorporate the. energy efficiency in their production processes "

" That's the reason we visited the Nestlé factory, because we appreciate this initiative, we believe that this It is a successful project and it is happening again This initiative adds to others that will turn the business into first to get 100% electricity to from energy sources. ERNC [Unconventional Renewable Energies] .

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