Job Fair in Providencia offers 2 thousand jobs to professionals, technicians and administrative staff – National


Job Fair in Providencia offers 2 thousand jobs to professionals, technicians and administrators

The initiative organized between the Providencia Municipality and the Autonomous University on Thursday will offer jobs and training for those seeking a new job. 19659003] TVN ,
Pia Francisca Garate Carcur


For the second year in a row the Municipality of Providencia and the Autonomous University realize the job fair aimed at professionals, technicians and administrative seeking new employment opportunities. The space will provide 2 thousand jobs and 412 inclusive vacancies and will have the participation of 35 companies and 4 utilities

This year, the space will include a new system. interviews, which will be accessible to foreigners and for people who have an auditory or visual impairment

As part of the free discussions that can be found on the site, participants will learn to improve their program and to develop a career plan, in addition to knowing technological innovations for professional insertion. Providencia Mayor Evelyn Matthei said the activity is a good opportunity for those joining the world of work for the first time and for those who are looking for a new job, noting that this is a good job. "They make life easier for people they do not have fun. "

This year there will be 35 companies and 4 utilities that will participate in this Punto Empleo 2018, with a varied job offer as: nursery technicians and educators sales engineers, civilians and industrialists, accounting badistants, administrative secretaries, industrial maintenance technicians, pharmaceutical pharmacists and pharmacy badistants, compensation badysts and Key Account Manager, whose income fluctuates – depending on the load to which he is postulated – between 350 000 and 1 800 000 pesos


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