Baby Trump: the giant inflatable doll that makes the US president do not feel welcome in London


Donald Trump's first official visit to the United Kingdom caused a sensation in this country.

So much so that the President of the United States hinted that he was not comfortable with some of the protests organized against him for that reason. Friday, he said in an interview with the British newspaper The Sun

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The president, who arrived on Thursday with his wife in the UK, mentioned a particular reason for not feeling welcome: an inflatable doll known as "Baby Trump".

It's a six-meter high helium balloon that presents it as a baby with a diaper, an angry orange face and small hands.

The airship will fly over the British Parliament, in London, this [vendredi13octobre1965].

"I think that if they launch airships to make me feel like I'm not welcome, there's no reason for me to go to London," Trump says. at The Sun . A long time ago, but if they make you feel that you are not welcome, why would I stay here? ", Laments

Wallpaper for the doll

The" Baby Trump "was funded by a crowdfounding campaign and until Thursday, the project had brought together U Melania and Donald Trump ” width=”976″ height=”549″ data-highest-encountered-width=”624″/> Copyright 1965 GETTY IMAGES

Image caption Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump will spend the weekend at the President's golf course in Scotland

Nona Hurkmans, spokesperson for "Baby Trump", explains to the BBC why they chose this form of demonstration.

"We think Donald Trump behaves like a baby" he said. His style and tone for directing a country is very immature, very childish, it's the kind of person who hits another when he's on the ground. "

" He makes fun of people with disabilities in public, I do not think that he deserves a lot. More respect from us than the giant ball. "

" We want to make sure that Trump knows that the whole United Kingdom scorns and mocks him, "say the creators of" Baby Trump. "

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More than 10,000 people have signed a petition for the l '; permission to fly over the city and the mayor of London Sadiq Khan authorized the "baby" to do so for two hours

"It's peaceful and it's allowed, I can not censor it, this It's not up to me to decide what's good and what's not. "] But some UK residents have described the balloon as" a shame "do not like" e "disrespectful"


  Inflatable doll Photo copyrights PA
Image caption Donald Trump says that Dummy gave him the impression of not being welcome to London.

On Thursday afternoon, Trump and his wife were greeted with red carpets at the Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, about 16 km from the city of Oxford. a dinner with the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, her husband and other members of the British government

When Trump arrived in the UK, a group of protesters gathered in front of the house of the American ambbadador. at Regent's Park, London, and about 1,000 people protested near Blenheim, the birthplace of Winston Churchill.

On Friday, when the biggest London protests are expected to take place against Trump, the US president will meet again with Theresa May, then with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle

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  Baby Trump Image AFP
Image caption The doll measures 6 meters

Then it's worth will fly to Scotland and spend the weekend at Turnberry, his golf course in Ayrshire.

There will also be a protest to receive Trump. The Scotland United group against Trump is expecting the event to gather some 3,000 people.

In addition, there will be another protest in front of the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on Saturday.

  Melania and Donald Trump; and Theresa and Philip May. Photo copyrights EPA
Photo caption Donald Trump and Melania Trump shared an elegant dinner with Theresa May at the Blenheim Palace, near Oxford

These cities will have an important police feature in the coming days.

But some people are happy to have Trump as a guest.

"Probably his critics give him fuel to keep him as he is," said Sarah. Elliott, of the Republican group abroad, at the BBC

"He wants to strengthen the Anglo-sphere, he wants to strengthen Western allies," he added. "Trump's legacy will last much longer than a balloon in the sky."

  BBC World

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