Closing of Iansa: the last attempts to "soften" Linares and prevent 4000 people from staying in the street


Little by little, "the sweetness of life" ends, as its slogan says, and several elements have played against the biggest candy of the country. "The decline in domestic consumption, the law on labeling, the green tax that Iansa must pay and the low price of sugar import," says Mario Meza, mayor of Linares, are some reasons for the impending closure of the Iansa Linares factory in the Maule region.

The company is dragging an intense crisis in recent years, in addition to the factors mentioned above, and despite the attempts of several new lines such as "Zero K", "Light" and its foray into animal nutrition , joins the resignation of José Luis Irarrázabal to the general management of the company, which was informed on June 28 and will take effect from August 31 as the closure of a cycle, while the long-awaited recovery does not not come. In addition, at the end of 2015, the company controlled by the British company ED & F Man made two important decisions: the definitive closure of its Curicó plant and the concentration of its production in Chile in only two centers: the factories of Linares and Los Ángeles. ] A city in suspense

However, there are conflicting versions about the closure of the factory Iansa in Linares.

On the one hand, the mayor of the commune, Mario Meza, in conversation with El Mostrador noted that the end of the plant is not settled, but admitted that It is indeed imminent. "Seeing the beet planting from August to April of the following year, the company informed the farmers of the following: product of the decrease in the national consumption of sugar, the law on the country. labeling, the green tax that must be pay Iansa, from the low price to the import, would make close the Linares factory, and beet farmers would move them to San Carlos, in the eighth region. 19659002] One of the points the mayor says is the green fee Iansa pays, which "means more than a million dollars that directly affects beet growers."

"Linares dies if the plant is closed" warns the mayor with concern. "First, because there are 400 beet growers who work directly with Iansa, and secondly because there are 4,000 people who are employed directly or indirectly with the company." 19659002 "Absolute unemployment", warns Meza, pointing out that the government can resolve this situation and stop the closure of Iansa. "With a $ 3 million premium, thanks to a special subsidy, only for our beet growers, this has already been done in the past, with corn and other types of plantations." , we need the help of the government to help On the other hand, baduming the closure, the deputy DC Manuel Matta described the event as a "very bad and terrible news for Linares and the "For months, we have made various arrangements and held several meetings with ministers and with trade unions and business leaders to avoid this closure; This is a hard blow. "

In a pessimistic tone, the parliamentarian added that" the work of this plant was fundamental to the province, generating more than thirty-one million dollars that remained here. "

For the moment, Iansa still holds e pending decision The closure is not settled but it is a possibility and, according to the latest official information, to carry out this action, they will evaluate a series of market conditions. 19659003] Manifestations in Linares

There were also demonstrations of rejection of the possible closure of the Linares factory, with a symbolic download of beets on the front of the Interior, about a thousand farmers have asked for help from the government. the local El Heraldo, hundreds of trucks, trucks and tractors accompanied the farmers in a caravan that ran from the front of the factory to the Plaza de Arm as, to park later in the streets main cities.

"We would not want to be here, but the complex situation we are experiencing makes us reach this example, I apologize to the community if we cause them difficulties, but I ask you to understand us, the the situation in which we are all complicating, especially with the high unemployment rate that Linares has, we hope that those who have to make decisions will take them properly and that we can reverse this situation, "said Ricardo Escalona, ​​president of the farmers Beetroot and Linares growers.

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