Desperate video of attacked students in Nicaragua: "Mother forgive me, I'm going to die" | International


Increasingly dramatic becomes the situation in Nicaragua where the protests against the government of Daniel Ortega have already caused at least 264 deaths, according to figures from the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR)

The Autonomous University of Nicaragua (19459004) (UNAN) in Managua, which remains in session since May 7, is one of the main event centers. and that in recent days there has been violence resulting from police repression and paramilitary groups

Thus, while the newspaper La Prensa has several young wounded, including an 18-year-old who was shot and wounded. by the occupants of a truck, this video shared on social networks by the students themselves shows them entrenched behind a barrier of cobblestones in the rotunda Rigoberto López, anguished by the attack of the armed forces.

My, forgive me, I'm going to die. I went to defend my country " is the explanation given during a live broadcast via Facebook one of the girls from the place, before his phone stops recording due to lack of battery. 19659005] Literally I cry as I write this tweet, the boys say goodbye because they are surrounded but we can not let them die please do something that is unbearable #SOSNicaragua or [19659002] – ?? (@sydalgko) July 13, 2018

According to La Prensa reports, students had reported that armed groups had besieged the campus since the morning, starting repressive actions at 3 pm local time (1 pm in Chile)

Violence with which the Ortega Government acted led to the Secretary General of the Organization American States (OAS), Uruguayan [1945900] 3] Luis Almagro called for the cessation of attacks and shootings of UNAN students at a special session of his Permanent Council held on Friday [19659009] We demand that the attack against the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua @UNANManagua and the lives of students are protected. The use of force against the university is inadmissible. Any expulsion from the University must be negotiated @OEA_oficial

– Luis Almagro (@ Almagro_OEA2015) July 13, 2018

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