This weekend, the PSUV will choose the delegates who will attend the IV Congress of the party


Photo: News24 / Archive

(Caracas, July 14-News24) .- The territorial delegates who will attend the plenary of the Fourth Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which from July 28 to 30 will be elected this weekend in bademblies of Bolívar-Chávez Combat Units (UBCh).

See also: Hair: the Psuv still gives the Diosdado Cabello, first vice president of the red canopy, pointed out that the procedure constitutes an "example of true democracy", so people are empowered to appoint and to decide who will be their representatives before the highest organ of government

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"Saturday and Sunday throughout Venezuela, UBCH bademblies to elect delegates and territorial delegates to the IV Socialist Congress of our PSUV, always the PSUV giving example, our bases postulating and deciding endo .We will win !!! ", he wrote on his Twitter account

The mechanism, according to the internal statutes, provides for the selection of six people by UBCh, half of whom must be women. Similarly, at least three of the postulates must be young

In the municipalities, one delegate will be elected, a total of 335. In capitals, two representatives will be selected, while in Caracas, a spokesperson will be chosen for each of the 22 parishes.

According to information from AVN

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