RN deputies ask the controller to check if La Moneda has paid Companion's defense | National


A few days after the conviction for fiscal crimes against Natalia Companion was made public, the prosecutor Sergio Moya said in an interview to La Tercera that Michelle Bachelet's daughter-in-law had The first defense was financed with reserved expenses of the Presidency .

This situation generated the immediate reaction of the convicts, who came to deny the facts. However, the government issued a call to investigate the case, the caller "very serious."

In the same vein, the National Renovation MP Paulina Núñez, expressing that the situation seems "very worrying", called on the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic to investigate the situation. ;case.

"This is the only body that can control these reserved expenses" says

https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/1999854028 .mp3

In as much, the deputy Diego Paulsen, also of RN, said that "he waits that the public ministry can give all the antecedents" considering that the accusation became public after a year the persecutor was reported the facts and without a formal presentation.


Similarly, Christian Democratic MP Gabriel Silber said that he thinks strange that Moya comments today, at the end of the investigation, which has happened, since it has not investigated the subject if any.

"Attorney Moya is not a commentator on political contingency, he is a criminal prosecutor," he warned.


For the moment, no formal investigation has been opened on the issue, but Companion has was consulted on the case at a hearing on Monday, June 9, during which he denied the facts.

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