Office of the Prosecutor asks the Controller for the return of the expenses reserved in Carabineros


Macarena Cañas, the Attorney General of the Greater Metropolitan Region, asked the Comptroller General of the Republic to send a "copy of the annual surrender of expenses reserved to the carabinieri of Chile by the Finance Act for 2017 " in order to determine the use that has been given to these tax resources.

As reported by El Mercurio today, the diligence decreed in the investigation opened in April 2017, following the statement of the former Chief of Finance Carabinieri, General (r) Flavio Echeverría and other co charged in the case of millionaire fraud inside the police institution.

Previously, last year precisely, Cañas had submitted an application of the same nature, concerning the period 2007 to 2016.

At that time, the controller Jorge Bermúdez responded that the entity that directs "is not able to conduct a comprehensive review of expenditures made, or verify the actual purpose of disbursements made with these resources and, ultimately, to rule on their legality". Because, he says, there is no "documentation to support" and only affidavits.

Previously, in 2016, Bermudez himself had informed former president, Michelle Bachelet, about " the sensitivities behind booked spending and the inadequacy of their accounts to ensure control adequate " of their fate.

It should be noted that, as explained by the same means, the Office of the Comptroller General also refers to the legal framework for the use of the fiscal funds contained in Law No. 19 863 which, at the time of the Article 6, reads:

"Reserved expenses may be used only for the purposes of the respective activities, with which the law reiterates the requirement that expenses, in comment, may not be used only in respect of the functions inherent to each of the corresponding departments ".

In this way, a key question for the prosecutor Cañas determines the route and the final destination that had the money of the reserved expenses that were badigned to different authorities within the company. 39, police institution. The annual budget to be distributed was $ 400 million and $ 90,000 US.

The purpose will be to clarify whether, at least, since 2007 and up to the beginning of the case, these resources have sometimes been derived for purposes other than those established by the law, since some Carabineros officials have received funds of this nature as part of their remuneration.

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