Arica al día – The Pueblo de Belén convenes a major mobilization against mining: July 21


The city of Belén meets for a major mobilization against mining: July 21

July 16, 2018 // National, Society

The city of Bethlehem summons his descendants, sons and daughters of the villages, the communes of Putre and General Lagos, and the regional community in general, to join "Bethlehem says NO to mining: great mobilization of People in Defense of the Territory ", to be held on July 21 from 10:00 to Patricio Lynch with May 21, rejecting the mining project Trinidad realized by the transnational Rio Tinto in the territories of Bethlehem.

Belén movilizado ]

It should be noted that the community of Belen, once it became aware of the intentions of the transnational Anglo-Australian capital, requested information from Rio Tinto him himself, who answered twice.

The first time, Rio Tinto indicated that the Mining Code allowed the concessionaire to "taste and dig freely in open and uncultivated land, regardless of ownership". He adds in the letter that they are at an early stage of exploration, which involves drilling four rigs of drilling

and at the insistence of the community, he responded with a general map of the sector and a chronogram of four actions. to June 15, where he indicates that from August 1 to September 15, he will perform 4 reverse air drilling that involve the activation of a platform of about 30 x 30 meters.

However, the community finds the responses inadequate, since it requested reports that the mining company sent to Sernageomin that involves water, archaeological, environmental studies, among others.


Similarly, the request was made to Sernageomin, via the law on transparency, where the government agency asked to postpone the response dated July 12, so that the community still does not know the details of the project.

Sernageomin's current regional director, Alfredo Arriagada Guital, was a mining serem during the first government of Sebastián Piñera who promoted the mining axis in the Region, an occasion where conflicts like Los Pumas and BPH Billinton have were generated in Codpa.

once he leaves the seremi, in July 2015, he asks the SEA Environmental Assessment Service, lobbying hearings with representatives of Rio Tinto as director of the int present the exploration project of Palmani, in the territories of Lluta. (

RR.EE Commission

In view of the refusal of replies, the community after having met Deputy Vlado Mirosevic, had the opportunity to expose their situation and the rejection of mining in Bethlehem, before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House chaired by MP Arican, where said Legislative body is committed to requesting information from Sernageomin and the Ministry of Social Development for the relevance of prior indigenous consultation for intervention in the area that involves the empowerment of a road without the community acquiring the knowledge and consent as stated in the Convention 169.

Belén is a locality belonging to the municipality of Putre, province of Parinacota, region of Arica and Parinacota, Chile located at 3,240 m. not. m. At 148 km from Arica, it stands out for its archaeological and patrimonial wealth, where stands the Pucara de Huaihuarani, declared National Monument, an area that is part of the "Qhapaq Ñan" known as the Inca Trail.


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