The situation in Venezuela was the subject in Brussels


The political crises in Nicaragua and Venezuela were present yesterday at the meeting of European, Latin American and Caribbean Foreign Ministers in Brussels

"Although the program of this two-day meeting the trade or the sustainable development, the situation in Nicaragua and Venezuela was present in the minds of the participants, "said a diplomatic source.

Disagreements with Venezuela have in fact forced El Salvador's pro tempore chairmanship of El Celac to replace the third summit of leaders of the two blocs, scheduled for last October in San Salvador, for the ministerial meeting.

The American countries gathered in the Lima Group, to which Brazil, Argentina and Chile belong, among others, rejected attending the summit, which is why reproaches were heard among the members of the Latin American block.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza criticized the adoption of unilateral measures, with reference to the sanctions imposed by the EU on his country since November.

The Venezuelan political, economic and humanitarian crisis was also discussed in the margins of the meeting. The Spanish Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell, exposed to Arreaza during a bilateral meeting his deep concern about the situation in the country.

Shortly before, Borrell also pointed to the change in attitude of the new Spanish executive. hard line sanctions when there is a problem in Latin America. "

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