Google dedicates to father Georges Lemaitre, father of the Big Bang theory, by birthday of his birth


Google dedicated a doodle to Father Georges Lemaitre on July 17, the father of the Big Bang theory, on the occasion of the 124th anniversary of his birth.

This mathematician and religious was born in the city of Charleroi (Belgium) one day as today in 1894. From an early age, he showed an aptitude for mathematics and a great pbadion for science [19659002Hewasordainedapriestin1923andthesameyearhegotascholarshiptostudyattheUniversityofCambridgewithArthurEddingtontheastrophysicistwhotriedAlbertEinstein'stheoryofrelativity

In 1925, he returned to Belgium and became a professor at the Catholic University of Louvain.

As he progressed in his scientific career, Father Lemaitre began to develop his proposition that the universe had a history and that it was evolving, something contrary to the theory Einstein, who argued that the universe was static, immutable and eternal.

The scholar Eduardo Riaza baderted that his philosophical studies, especially on the postulates of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, showed the Belgian priest that his approach did not contradict his belief in a creator God of the world because a created universe does not need a beginning in the world.

In 1930, Father Lemaitre proposed a model of the universe called "the primitive atom " or " cosmic egg " , which in His theory baderts that the history of the universe is divided into three periods: the first is "the explosion of the primitive atom", the second is the "period of Equilibrium or the static universe of Einstein ". "And the third is that of expansion."

You can know the complete explanation of Father Lemaitre's approach HERE.

In 1948, the physicist and astronomer Russian origin George Gamow has proposed a new description of the beginning of the universe rso; and although he is considered the father of the Big Bang theory, the main lines were clearly present in the cosmology of P. Lemaitre

The Belgian priest held various positions at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, as personal advisor to Pope Pius XII and president of the same in 1960.

He died on June 20, 1966 at the 39, age 71.

In a speech delivered in 1979 before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for the commemoration of the birth of Albert Einstein, St. John Paul II quoted Father Lemaitre's words about the relationship between church and science: "Would the church have the need for science? Not elsewhere; the cross and the Gospel are enough for him. But nothing is foreign to the Christian. How can the Church be disinterested by the noblest of strictly human occupations, the search for the truth? "

In a lecture given at the Vatican in 2016, the British scientist Stephen Hawking declared that" Georges Lemaitre was the first to propose a model in which the universe had an infinitely dense start. So, he and not George Gamow is the father of the Big Bang . "

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