The general manager of Carabineros says that there will be a zero tolerance in irregular situations


Hermes Soto, also referred to the court-ordered injunction for General (s) Gonzalo Blu and Alex Smith.

The Director General of Carabineros, Hermes Soto, today returned the decision of the court to apply the precautionary measure of total house arrest for General (g) Gonzalo Blu and Alex Smith, aka "the teacher". 19659003] "We will always cooperate with justice. And the determination that the courts do, we respect it" he said.

The authority said it was expecting this investigation into the hurricane business to advance rapidly. "We hope that the relevant judgment can be developed as soon as possible. The institution does not benefit from being in this situation" he said.

Soto was categorical in stating that "Whenever an irregular situation occurs we will take the administrative measures of disposal and put the people involved in irregular situations at the disposal of the courts. Whoever falls will fall. "

Finally, he had words for former police chief, Gonzalo Blu: " I'm sorry you're involved in this situation . I hope that in the future we will no longer experience such a situation. "

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