Qali Warma and his history of cases of poisoning [CRONOLOGÍA] | Trade | Lima


This Tuesday, more than 600 schoolchildren from at least 12 schools of Cañete exhibited symptoms of intoxication after receiving a breakfast of Qali Warma ]. This case joins a long list in the history of the food program founded in 2012.

On this occasion, the Minister of Development and Social Inclusion, Carolina Trivelli, inaugurated the program for children to from 3 years old for primary and primary education public education centers.

Only in Cañete two cases were presented. The first took place in 2014 and 50 students were affected. Problems with suppliers have also been reported, as is the case on this occasion, the products belonging to the batch distributed by the company Man & Liu SRL were confiscated.

[7/3/2013] In Casma, Ancash, it is reported that the Qali Warma program breakfast, from the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, causes vomiting and diarrhea among school children on a campus

[20/3/2013] At the complaint concerning the delivery of breakfast in the schools of Huancayo, the program Qali Warma dissolved the company Molinera Pacífico Jesús Nazarenos, responsible for the distribution of these foods.

[27/3/2013] In Puno, they report delivery of bread with mushrooms from the Qali Warma program. The bread bags did not show the name of the supplier, nor the address nor the sanitary register, nor the expiry date.

[3/4/2013] In Pasco, the director of the Cipriano Proaño educational institution, Javier Cristóbal Valle, denounced that the milk had been poorly distributed. 50 pupils of the primary school

[11/4/2013] One hundred pupils belonging to the Educational Institution Santa Rosa of Lima, Urubamba, Cusco, are poisoned with the breakfast of beans with milk given by the supplier Qali Warma program.

[19/4/2013] In Huánuco, at least 17 schoolchildren are intoxicated after eating food distributed by the Qali Warma program.

An official report from the Regional Council of the College of Nutritionists points out that Qali Warma's state program foods distributed in the Arequipa region are detrimental to the 87,000 children who consume them.

[17/9/2013] About 70 primary and primary school students from Curahuasi, Abancay District, Apurímac, get drunk after eating Qali Warma lunches.

[25/10/2013] After having eaten the Qali Warma state program breakfasts, 80 children of the General Educational Institution Augusto Freyre of the city of Iquitos (Loreto), ends up intoxicated.

[21/3/2014] A total of 50 students from various campuses of five annexes of Pacarán (Cañete) become intoxicated after consuming the breakfast provided by the supplier selected by the program Qali Warma Diet

[26/3/2014] The doctors of the hospital from the province of Concepción, Junín, diagnosed 16 schoolchildren with mild food poisoning after their arrival with symptoms of indigestion and vomiting. The children had breakfast given by Qali Warma.

[15/4/2014] A total of 69 students from 38402 Educational Institution, from the city of Sacharaccay (Anco District, Ayacucho), reveal signs of intoxication after eating white Qali Warma foods. . The fact was confirmed by the program area head, Hernán Paz.

[27/10/2014] About 200 schoolchildren are hospitalized with symptoms of intoxication in four health facilities in Mochumí District (Lambayeque). The children ate bread with panado fish and wheat with milk issued by the Qali Warma state program. The Regional Director of Health of Lambayeque, Carlos Uriarte, announces an investigation into the case

[31/10/2014] A new case of intoxication of schoolchildren is registered at school 31931, the city of La Olada, in the district of Perené (Chanchamayo, Junín). Eleven students and two professors presented colic and vomiting due to oat consumption in a state of presumed decomposition.

[6/10/2015] Nine children from the primary school 318 of Juliaca (Puno) are evacuated to Carlos Monje Hospital of Essalud with vomiting and diarrhea. The main reports that 17 schoolchildren suffered from food poisoning when eating Qali Warma food. An badigned student is a teacher.

[22/10/2015] Some 38 elementary school students from school No. 81940 Collana Farm in Parcoy, Pataz (La Libertad), are intoxicated by eating food (canned fish) from the Qali Warma program. The schoolchildren of the 89,000 school, in the district of Nepeña, province of Santa, in Ancash, undergo intoxication due to the consumption of Qali Warma. The institution reported that the kitchen and kitchenware program had been affected by a chemical causing poisoning.

[23/8/2016] At least 90 students aged 6 to 11 from Maria Auxiliadora Public School in Carhuaz District, Ancash, get drunk after eating breakfast that the Qali Warma program gave them. The event occurred at 9 o'clock. they were therefore taken to the health center of Acopampa and Carhuaz

[11/1/2017] A hook was found at a breakfast prepared by the mothers of the school of the Republic of Chile to Casma, Áncash. The object was in a mackerel box produced by Apollo SAC and distributed in Qali Warma's school curriculum.

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