Request a wedding with this Pokémon Engagement Ring


If you want to get married in a unique, original and a person who is a fan of Pokémon this is for you.

The U-Brand brand has launched a line of jewelry for this occasion with designs that include Pikachu . In addition to the engagement ring there are also rings to marry (via Anime News Network).

From the first there are two different 18-carat white gold and yellow gold. 18-carat, 18-carat white gold, 18-carat yellow gold, platinum and 18-carat yellow gold or platinum. Its price ranges from $ 783 to $ 1,200 – the bad news is that the diamond is sold separately.

The others are also available in two different models with the same materials and their cost ranges from $ 650 to

You can see the products of the following gallery

And if you want to add an even more special touch to your request, you can also buy the Pokébola ] You can get this one for $ 115.

This is not the first time we do something like this, previously the engagement ring of Serena of Sailor Moon

Cristina Urrutia is an editor at IGN Latin America, anime fan, video games, books, Ninja Turtles and Batman. You can find it on social networks like @harley_lilith.

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