Minors have committed 10% of sexual crimes in Chile in the last 10 years | National


According to the Undersecretariat for Crime Prevention, between 2008 and the first quarter of 2018, the PDI and Carabineros of Chile recorded 30,643 police investigations for badual crimes . Of these crimes, 3,060 were committed by minors .

Specifically, 2,046 cases involve children over the age of 14, while [1 099 093] are children of lesser age and, therefore, unimputable in the courts. These figures represent minors' participation in 10% of bad crimes recorded in the indicated period.

The figure exceeds 8% that reaches the participation of children and adolescents in all criminal acts in the country, according to police information, entered the Ministry of the Interior, between 2008 and 2018.

These figures were considered worrisome by Social Development Minister Alfredo Moreno, who said the government's work focuses on victims, but also seeks to be complete : addressing the author and their families.


Recent Cases

The question is of particular concern, considering the two cases of alleged badual abuse by minors in recent days. The first, a rape suffered by a woman in the Park of Kings, Santiago Centro, finally committed by four young people, including a boy of 13 years and a teenager of 16 years.

The next day, the episode was added on Tuesday by an eight-year-old boy in Pudahuel, whose mother accused the badual badault of three boys of 12, nine and eight years in a headquarters neighborhood.

The circle of abuses

The children's lawyer, Patricia Muñoz, asked not to stigmatize children, and emphasized the importance of family courts to investigate bad crimes committed against them. the alleged aggressors.


Undersecretary of Children, Carol Bown, said that young people who commit this crimes are badualized, which is due to the fact that many times they have been violated mainly in their badual rights.


Experts say that this type of youth has three characteristics: they are impulsive, transgressors and antisocial, and usually act in groups.

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