Collusion of companies fighting and extinguishing forest fires


Empresas Faasa Chile Servicios Aéreos Limitada and Martínez Ridao Chile Limitada would have agreed on the conditions of marketing, prices and participation of third parties between 2009 and 2015.

A new case of collusion is revealed . On 18 July, the National Economic Prosecutor's Office (FNE) filed an injunction against the companies Faasa Chile Servicios Aereos Limitada and Martínez Ridao Chile Limitada with the Court of Defense of Free Competition (TDLC) for "having concluded and executed an anti-competitive agreement ". "

It is clear from the FNE communiqué that" it would have been necessary "to prevent, restrict or hinder competition in the market for the fight and extinction of forest fires by tankers on the national territory during the seasons 2009 and 2015. "

The prosecution states that with this agreement, the two firms have determined the conditions of marketing, the prices and the participation of bidders in public contract processes. and private.

The fine requested by the TDLC for Faasa is 3,000 Units. Annual fees (UTA), equivalent to about US $ 2.6 million, and 4,000 AWU (US $ 3.5 million) to Martín Ridao for this behavior

Among those affected are private forest companies and state institutions, such as the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) and the National Emergency Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior (ONEMI).


The OTP investigation began in early February 2017, after press reports that reported a deal detected in Spain among companies fighting and preventing fires of forest who committed price-altering crimes in calls for public tenders, criminal organization and falsification of commercial documents and that some of the respondents took this agreement in Portugal, Italy, France and in Chile, as well as in Spain. Of these companies, only those required have provided services at the local level.

In the investigations, which included a search of the investigation offices, conducted at the end of May last year, the prosecution obtained information about the meetings and the communications supported.

Thus, it was established that they were acting in a coordinated manner on the Chilean market for combat services and fight against forest fires by tanker, by determining the conditions of their participation. the marketing, pricing and participation of bidders in public and private procurement processes.

In the application, the FNE details some of the contacts maintained between the representatives of Faasa and Martínez Ridao before the closing of the contracts, appreciates how they negotiated the marketing conditions, raise the prices and collectively ban their fleets to attend accidents.

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