The mission Exomars of the European Space Agency (or ESA for its acronym in English) continues without interruption, thanks to new technological advances which they estimate, they will allow the installation of a robot explorer in March for 2020.
However, there is a discussion in the team that could not be solved so easily: what name to put it?
a minor detail for some, but the historical value of the mission to be the first autonomous robot of the European Union and Russia on the red planet , as well as being a symbol of
According to information provided by the British BBC, astronaut Tim Peake led the effort to find a great name for the mission, which now is only known as ExoMars 2020.

The contest can be found on the Airbus site, the company in charge of badembling the robot explorer, where you can offer your suggestion to the space agency team
Peake launched the contest in the morning of this Friday, hoping that not only will they find a great name but also people who do not know it.
The contest is part of a government program of United Kingdom called Holiday Makers which aims to interest young people in the European country in careers involving the l & ## Engineering, as well as science, mathematics and physics.
User suggestions on the Internet will be presented to a panel of experts from the space agency, who will decide on the name to use for the robot. .fbAsyncInit = function () {
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