A doctor reported the death of a rotten woman for the treatment of cancer by means of an alternative treatment


A doctor viralized the story of one of his patients who died with one of his "rotten" bads for treating his cancer with alternative therapies.

The Spanish oncologist Joaquim Bosch Barrera denounced the situation that has outraged him through Twitter, where the medical organizations of this country have supported his accusations against pseudoscience and the false medicine.

The woman who, according to The Vanguardia was under 40, he entered the hospital a few weeks ago with fever. There he revealed that he had advanced cancer, but had not treated him with formal medicine.

Although initiating treatment and being operated on for his infection, the metastasis in the patient had already reached his bones and he died.

In a guard, a young woman comes to have a fever. Breast cancer in "treatment" with alternative therapies. – And your alternative "therapist" who talks to you about your tumor? -It says that if it comes out it's good because it means that it's oxygenated. #StopPseudosciences

– Dr. Bosch-Barrera (@BoschBarrera) July 20, 2018

The doctor published a picture of the bad of the completely rotten woman but after he preferred remove it from the social network because of the "hardness" of the image.

According to her story, when one questioned the woman about what the other therapist was saying about the tumor, the patient replied, "he says that it comes out that is good, because it means that he is oxygenated. "

" For all these infidels have an answer, "replied the doctor. "For cases like this I can not keep quiet, playing with the life and health of human beings .If this is done by a doctor, he ends up behind bars."

StopPseudoscience, which already accumulates thousands of tweets and RT

Oncologists of @_ SEOM denounce the #pseudotherapies and its adverse consequences in patients with ] # cancer and ask @sanidadgob to protect the sick and inform. The complaint of @BoschBarrera @Baricorcho and @dmavicente becomes viral #StopPseudosciences ? https://t.co/IwPjLkJwO3 peak. twitter.com/CPzK1OuxMO

– SEOM (@_SEOM) July 20, 2018

Faced with any health problem, the WTO reiterates the importance of always going to the doctor. We emphasize the dangers of the approach of diseases in the environment of pseudoscience and pseudotherapies #StopPseudosciences https://t.co/8ZnKeXhEKk

– Org. Medical College (@OMC_Espana) July 20, 2018

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