Intense cold affects the central area of ​​the country: the frosts will last until Tuesday – National


Intense cold affects the central area of ​​the country: the frosts will last until Tuesday

In Santiago, the minimum reaches -2.1 °, that is why the "Blue Code" was decreed to help people in the street situation

Sebastián Mora


Much of the central area of ​​the country is affected by a intense morning cold whose minimums dropped by – 2 ° during this Monday

According to the Chilean Meteorological Directorate until 07:00 o'clock today, in Santiago the thermometers fell to -2.1 °, in being the second lowest number in the region so far this year.

 Meteorology announces frosts between the regions of Valparaíso and Biobío

Meteorology announces frosts between the regions of Valparaíso and Biobío