Salmonera offers $ 7,000 to those who return all the fish that escaped them to Puerto Montt | National


At the beginning of this month, and because of the wind and rain storm that hit the Los Lagos area, about 800 thousand salmon escaped from the cages of the center of Punta Redonda ] Marine Harvest Chile in Isla Huar

These specimens, in particular, do not meet the standards of traceability and animal safety required, so that "without the required health certificate consumption Is not recommended "they said in a statement

After that, the Superintendency of the Environment ordered Marine Harvest to take a series of measures to overturn the situation.

he demanded that the company withdraw all the structures, platforms and parts of the crop center of Punta Redonda. In addition to cleaning the seabed.

As stated above, the company contacted the Fishermen's Federation of Calbuco who works with the artisbad fishermen of the island in question to find the whereabouts of salmon , weighing an average of 3.4 kilos each

That day, the chief executive of the Norwegian salmon Harvest Marine Harvest, Fernando Villarroel, told El Mercurio that the company will work with independent scientists in order to 39, evaluate the effects of the mbadive flight of copies.

Villarroel also said that they are working to normalize the situation quickly.

Although for the moment the monetary losses caused by this fact are unknown, this will be known in the coming weeks. In any event, he maintains that there are badurances entered into .

Whatever it is, they indicated that they had a "special and extraordinary budget" to fund the salmon salvage work.

In this way, Villarroel declared that they were currently paying $ 7,000 for each copy recovered by artisbad fishermen.

According to regulations, in these cases the responsible company must recover 10% of the specimens disclosed within 30 days, otherwise it is presumed environmental damage .

However, according to Eduardo Aguilera, regional director of Sernapesca on Radio Bío Bío, Marine Harvest recently brought back 5.5% of captured salmon

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