USA will not recognize Russian claim on Crimea



"The United States refuses to recognize Russia's claim to sovereignty over Crimea in Ukraine," said US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, at the beginning of a report. hearing at the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. on the meeting in Helsinki between President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Pompeo, read a statement, published shortly before the hearing, in which he said that the United States He called on Moscow to end its occupation of the Ukrainian peninsula.

"The United States rejects Russia's attempt to annex Crimea and pledges to maintain this policy until the territorial integrity of the country is over." Ukraine is restored. " "The United States asks Russia to respect the principles it has long claimed and to end its occupation of Crimea."

Trump has already suggested that the opposition of the United States could be reconsidered. United States to the annexation of Crimea by Russia.

Pompeo Secretary also confirmed that the invitation to the Russian leader to visit the United States, made last week by President Trump, will not be done until 2019.

The news was also known shortly before the hearing of the Secretary of State in the Senate. In a statement issued by the White House, National Security Advisor John Bolton quotes the investigation of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller on Russia's interference in the 2016 elections as the reason for the delay.

. believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the end of the witch hunt against Russia, so that we agreed that it would be better to do so after 1 January, "said M Bolton

The Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, said that Putin would not be invited to address both houses of Congress when he came to Washington. It is a great honor for legislators to grant foreign leaders

  Bob Corker (R-TN), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the two highest members of their committee respective parties, at a hearing of the Committee on the Helsinki Summit between President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin, in which State Secretary Mike Pompeo testifies (this is not the case). is not on the picture)

The President of Committee Bob Corker (R-TN) in the Senate and Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the two highest ranking of their respective parties, at a hearing of the Committee on the Helsinki Summit between the President Donald Trump and the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, in which the state secretary Mike Pompeo testifies (not in the photo).

In Wednesday's controversial hearing, Secretary Pompeo said that he personally told senior Russian officials that he has brá "serious consequences" for any interference in the US elections or in the US. the democratic process of the United States

The US high diplomatic representative told skeptical members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that he had left a clear warning to Russia

Pompeo made this comment in response to specific questions about the details of President Donald Trump's personal meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin last week in Finland.

The two Republican members and Democratic Committee demanded details of Pompeo on the summit about which the White House offered only sketchy sketches.

Republican committee chairman Bob Corker opened the hearing by saying that Pompeo would appear before senators who have "serious doubts" about Trump and his foreign policy.

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