Bomb Detonan in a clinic to avenge his dead mother | Chronic


Two Peruvian brothers blew backpacks with explosives at a private clinic in Lima, in retaliation for the death of their mother because of a so-called doctor "19459003", but they were seriously injured .

The explosions, with an interval of three minutes between them, in the basements of the prestigious medical center Ricardo Palma, made 28 slight injuries.

"They (the two brothers) are in the Intensive Care Unit (of the same clinic) after being operated on last night, they are being monitored" said the Lima Police Chief, Gastón Rodríguez .

Police initially thought that the explosions were due to an extortion attempt, but later discovered that the attackers Claudia and Lenin Benites Aguirre 44 and 40, respectively, who sought to avenge their mother, Victoria Aguirre who died seven years ago.

"The mother of these two people would have died at the clinic, they even make a request" told the press the general Juan Sotil director of criminal investigations of the police .

Sotil said that the family attributed the death to a "malpractice" doctors of this clinic in the affluent district of San Isidro.

The father of the brothers, ] Alejandro Benites acknowledged Wednesday that the attack on the clinic "was on the other hand" .

So they transferred the wounded by the blast.

Five years of trial

The unpublished case dates back to 2011, when Victoria Aguirre was treated at this clinic for recurrent headaches, according to her father.

Doctors detected a brain tumor and decided to operate on it, but the surgery went awry. the family, and the woman died later mpo for neurological damage.

Alleviated to the deceased woman, reported to the public institute that regulates the provision of services, Indecopi.

"We have five years of trial, we won and the clinic refused to pay" Alejandro Benites told América Noticias.

"The family asked for a sanction against the clinic, they said that she had not performed all the necessary tests, Indecopi was in agreement with them and inflicted fines greater than 330,000, " about 100,000. dollars.

"But for the family, that was not enough, they insisted that the doctors involved be imprisoned for serious injuries and that the clinic badume certain payments" reported sources

They risk long sentences

The two brothers, who prepared the explosives with pyrotechnic powder, were interned in the same clinic that they attacked, where they underwent surgery for fractures and burns.

In Lenin "an explosion compromised the neck, chest, face, and there were also remains of bulletproof vest and backpack" while Claudia was injured in the neck , in the face, chest and legs, according to General Rodríguez.

"The police continue to hope that (…) they are out of danger to open the investigations and evidence that they should provide to establish a timetable to establish how events are going to happen. are produced. " says

According to criminal lawyers, brothers are now at risk of long prison terms: between 15 and 35 for attempted murder and between 15 and 25 for serious bodily injury .

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