Evaluating the Development of New Resources at the CerroVerde Mine | Economy


The Mining Company Freeport-McMoran Majority Shareholder of Cerro Verde (Arequipa), received in March a modified environmental permit allowing it to operate a concentration facility. A capacity of 409,500 tonnes

In June, the average yield of the plant reached 385,300 metric tons of ore per day.

The American society reported having significant undeveloped resources in Cerro Verde and that it is evaluating for future developments.

During a conference call, the company reported that she is studying the next job that she will be doing in this mine and that they are already preparing for it, though that is not the case. they do not plan to execute "a big project".

Comparing the first half of this year with the same period of 2017, copper production decreased from 522 million pounds to 505 million Cerro Verde.

Only in the second quarter there was a recoverable copper production of 262 million pounds, more than 260 million for the same period of 2017.

In South America, Freeport also operates the El Abra mine (Chile) .

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