Lesbian couples will turn to the IACHR to be recognized as mothers


Mayra Opazo and Constanza Monsalve will appeal to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to review their case after the rejection of the Court Supreme on the dual inscription of motherhood for the daughter of one of them .

The third chamber of the highest court, composed of the ministers Sergio Muñoz Juan Fuentes Carlos Aránguiz and the lawyers Ricardo Abuauad and Julio Pallavicini ratified the decision of the Court of Valparaíso's appeal which determined that the civil registry did not commit illegality by not allowing them to register

L & # 39; Movilh's lawyer Carolina Etcheverry who will represent women before the IACHR, stated that in this case " guarantees are refused such as the family right equality identity and there is also violation of the physical integrity of the family when they are not recognized. "

The lawyer also expressed his rejection of the decision of the Supreme Court and notes that the case" was seen privately because we have not received allegations and gave us only three lines in which the appeal is dismissed submitted. "

Although there is not yet a deadline for the presentation, Movilh's lawyer said that they were gathering general information that will lead to this. international body . [ad_2]
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