The Navy is chased by a sailor who suffers from cancer with metastases


Armada was sued by Corporal Davinson Rojas, who asks the institution to pay the costs of an operation that could save him from the cancer with metastases he suffers.

According to Radio Cooperativa, Rojas demands that the 7.5 million pesos that radiosurgery costs with the Gamma Knife technique be paid, which is done at the Santiago Military Hospital.

Through his social networks, the sailor interned at the Naval Hospital of Viña del Mar said: "I have cancer with 15 nodules in each lung, a metastasis that comes from my left thigh, large, it has now reached my brain. "

In addition, he added that" the Chilean Navy did not want to pay, for economic reasons, a surgery that could save my life or improve its quality " .

Rojas' lawyer, Marcelo Escobar, explained that the Navy's health plan does not cover the treatment requested and that his client is ill because of "exposure to radioactivity and to radiofrequency, and the Navy must charge it. "

On the other hand, from the naval hospital, they claimed that" often there is the complementation of therapies to succeed. The doctor always tries to improve and hopefully get the best results. "

The Ministry of Defense would be aware of this case and a statement on the matter is expected this Thursday.

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